To thrive in today’s fast-paced markets, warehouses have turned to automated solutions in order to cut down wait times and data entry errors. In the modernization quest, top labor initiatives now prioritize ease of use, lowered training times, and greater operational speed since these factors produce an adaptable and scalable modernized workflow. As a result, over 70% warehouses now seek to equip workers with a noticeable level of automation,  yet many businesses struggle as to how they should get started. Because enterprise scanning is both vital and simplistic in nature, optimizing scanning systems may be one of the best places to begin.

Eliminating repetitive tasks from your workflows, automated data capture reduces the risks of data entry errors while speeding up order processing. However, flawless scanning power isn’t the only thing you should expect from your barcode scanner. As leaders in effective scanning automation, SSE Technologies outlines four things you should expect from an enterprise barcode scanner:

  1. Expect seamless performance during high volume demand – When demand increases, your barcode scanner should rise to the occasion instead of slowing down productivity. Scanners like Zebra’s DS3600 Ultra-Rugged Series exemplify this best in their ability to capture 100,000 barcodes in one battery cycle.
  2. Expect intelligent data capture with every trigger pull – Modernized scanning power is no longer confined to single-scan data capture. Intelligent omnidirectional imagers empower businesses with 1D/2D and Digimarc scanning along with the ability to capture multiple codes at once. This can dramatically quicken processing speeds without hindering accuracy rates.
  3. Expect dependable mobility – Cordless barcode scanners have had a long history disrupting WiFi connections, thus impairing their usefulness. True dependable mobility relies on innovative connectivity options such as Zebra’s WiFi-Friendly Mode, which allows barcode scanners to quickly pair with additional devices without interrupting WiFi connections.
  4. Expect durability made to survive in your enterprise – Different industries require different standards. For example, healthcare scanners ought to be disinfectant resistant while warehouse scanners should be designed to withstand multiple drops, tumbles, and scratches without losing its performing edge.

Explore all of Zebra’s enterprise barcode scanners in our robust portfolio.

Whatever your expectations are, SSE Technologies equips you with barcode scanners that go beyond them. Contact our data capture specialists today for a preliminary assessment of your current scanning goals to see how you can find a modernized device that best suits your workflow.