It is estimated that around 3 out of 10 online orders are returned, and mis-shipments are a direct contributor to this phenomenon. As warehouses operate at top speeds moving hundreds of orders every hour, the potential for errors increases. Whether it be a consequence of incorrect product storage or unreliable verification systems, mis-shipments increase operational costs, draining budgets though…

  • Return chargebacks that cost up to $20 per order
  • Wasted labor and packaging costs
  • Recurrent damage inspections costing an average of $3 per item
  • Additional labor costs required to re-label and relocate items

Even in a 99.99% accurate system, mis-shipments can still impact profitability since brand identity can deteriorate over time, leading to damaged customer relations. To overcome these costly repercussions, SSE Technologies recommends the following three solutions to prevent mis-shipments.

When it comes to minimizing errors, visibility is king.

To secure real-time visibility without increasing operational costs, SSE Technologies partners up with Zebra to empower businesses to:

  1. Track the origin of mis-shipments – If mis-shipments are happening frequently or within a noticeable pattern, it may be time to verify inventory movement and touchpoints. Long-range scanners and enterprise-grade labels like Zebra’s Certified Consumables can help read and retain inventory information as products move from the receiving dock to the shipping truck. For better visibility, data should be easily updated via employee’s mobile devices as products move through different stages of the order fulfillment process. This provides a clear record of product movement to be used when errors must be tracked.
  2. Automate the verification process – By eliminating manual processes, companies also eliminate several unseen costly errors that came from paper-based systems. To accomplish this, SSE Technologies deploys the Golden Barcode Comparison Checker through Zebra’s MC2200 mobile computers. Instead of manually matching labels, employees scan identical barcodes to verify their orders, ultimately accelerating throughput without overworking teams.
  3. Minimize worker fatigue – Warehouses are running faster than ever thanks to the e-commerce surge. To maximize stress-free productivity, hands-free and voice technologies simplify picking tasks, delivering up to 7% faster picking workflows. Devices such as Zebra’s WT6300 and ring scanners can be combined to build an intelligent hands-free scanning solution that connects directly with your WMS for dependable workflow visibility.

Today’s fast operations have no time for preventable errors. Reach out to SSE Technologies today to schedule an in-depth evaluation of your data capture system and see where you can start automating efficiency for less risks, less costs, and more order accuracy.